Terms & Conditions

Legal Notice / Terms and Conditions of Use

1. Consent
Please read the following legal notice / terms and conditions of use (“Terms and Conditions of Use”) carefully before accessing the websites of Advance Financial companies (“Advance Financial” and the Advance Financial website “Advance Financial Website”). By accessing the Advance Financial Website, you confirm that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Use and agree to all the terms set out herein. If you do not understand or do not agree to any of the terms contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use, please exit the Advance Financial Website.

2. Restricted access
The Advance Financial Website must not be accessed by any person subject to a jurisdiction (e.g. due to that person’s nationality and/or place of residence) in which publication of the content of the Advance Financial Website or access to it is prohibited for any reason. Persons to whom these restrictions apply are prohibited from accessing the Advance Financial Website. Such persons include, in particular, nationals and/or residents of the USA and Cayman Islands.

3. No offer
Information and opinions published on the Advance Financial Website shall not be construed as any form of promotion, recommendation, inducement, offer or solicitation to (i) purchase or sell any investment instruments, (ii) transact any other business, or (iii) enter into any other legal transactions. They are provided for information purposes only. The investment instruments and services described may not be suitable for you or may be unavailable.

4. No advice
Information and opinions published on the Advance Financial Website do not constitute, nor are they intended to provide or be construed as investment advice, or any legal, tax, financial or other advice. Such information and opinions should not be relied upon or used as a basis for decision-making. Please consult an expert in the appropriate field before deciding to take any specific action. No information contained on or accessed from the Advance Financial Website should be construed as creating any contractual relationship between the providers of such information and website users.

5. No warranty
Advance Financial has exercised the utmost care in compiling the information contained on this website. Information provided on the Advance Financial Website is constantly updated and checked for accuracy. However, neither Advance Financial nor its contracting partners makes any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) that any information published on the Advance Financial Website is accurate, reliable, up-to-date or complete. In particular, Advance Financial is under no obligation whatsoever to update or remove outdated information or opinions from the Advance Financial Website or to mark them as being outdated. The information and opinions contained on the Advance Financial Website are subject to change at any time without notice.
Moreover, no warranty is given that the Advance Financial Website will operate error free or without interruption, that any faults will be corrected, or that the Advance Financial Website and servers from which information is accessible will be free of viruses, trojan horses, worms, software bombs or other harmful components and programs and Advance Financial accepts no liability in respect thereof.
Past performance of an investment instrument is not necessarily indicative of its performance in the future. Investments in foreign currencies are also subject to exchange rate fluctuations. Distributions paid out in connection with an investment instrument may also vary. Advance Financial gives no warranty as to (i) the growth or preservation of any capital invested in an investment instrument and (ii) the amount of any future distributions.
All information available on this website, including but not limited to financial market data, price data, reports, research and other financial information is based on carefully selected sources that are deemed to be reliable. All information is provided to users on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any representation or warranty either express or implied as to quality, originality, non-infringement of intellectual property rights or fitness for a particular purpose.

6. No liability
Advance Financial gives no warranty that the information provided on its website is up-to-date, accurate or complete and accepts no liability in respect thereof. Advance Financial shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of profit, that may be suffered as a result of information provided on the Advance Financial Website, or for any loss or damage resulting either directly or indirectly from use of the Advance Financial Website and the information contained therein or from risks associated with the financial markets. Advance Financial shall only be liable for loss or damage attributable to ordinary negligence if such loss or damage was foreseeable. Liability for consequential loss and loss of profit is hereby excluded.

7. No orders
The input fields on the Advance Financial Website are not intended to be used for placing orders (e.g. orders for the purchase/sale of investment instruments) with Advance Financial. Advance Financial shall not execute any orders placed in this way or notify the sender accordingly, and no legally binding contract shall come into effect between the sender and Advance Financial.

8. Intellectual property, copyright and trade mark rights
All components of the Advance Financial Website are protected by intellectual property laws and are the property of Advance Financial or third parties. Users shall not acquire any rights, including rights in or to any software, trade marks or components of the Advance Financial Website, by downloading or printing any material from the Advance Financial Website. Copyright notices and trade marks may not be changed or removed. Components of the Advance Financial Website may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form (including electronic or printed form) without the prior written consent of Advance Financial and unless full acknowledgement of the source is provided.
Users are not permitted to create hyperlinks or inline links from other websites to the Advance Financial Website without the prior written consent of Advance Financial.

9. Potential conflicts of interest
Advance Financial, its directors or employees may have previously invested, may be currently investing or may in future invest in investment instruments in respect of which information or opinions are provided on the Advance Financial Website. It is also possible that Advance Financial has previously provided, is currently providing or will in future provide services to the issuers of such investment instruments, including, for example, corporate finance or market making services. Furthermore, it is possible that employees or directors of Advance Financial have previously performed, are currently performing or will in future perform certain functions on behalf of the issuers of such investment instruments, e.g. serving as director. Advance Financial, its directors or employees could therefore have an interest in the future performance of investment instruments.

10. Links to other websites
The Advance Financial Website may contain links to the websites of other providers and information supplied by such providers (“External Links”). Advance Financial provides links to external websites in addition to its own information solely with a view to enhancing user-friendliness and providing information to users. Advance Financial has no control over the content of such external websites and accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of the accuracy, reliability, completeness, truth or currency of such material or its fitness for a particular purpose. Advance Financial excludes all liability, including but not limited to liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage or any consequences that may arise out of or in connection with the use of content on external websites. Although linked sites are carefully selected, Advance Financial has no control over the content of such sites. Accordingly, Advance Financial accepts no liability in respect of the content of External Links, including in particular any content that is altered after the link was created. Advance Financial is not responsible for transferring such information, selecting the information sent or the recipients thereof, or altering any information provided. Such External Links are not automatically stored by Advance Financial on a temporary basis due to the method used for creating and accessing links. Operators of websites accessible through the External Links are therefore solely responsible for the content of linked sites.
Moreover, Advance Financial gives no warranty either that such websites or the contents thereof do not or will not infringe any third-party copyright, trade mark or other rights, or that such websites or the contents thereof are free of viruses or other harmful components. No warranty is given as to the authenticity of any documents available on the Internet.

11. Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use
Advance Financial reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions of Use from time to time. Please read these Terms and Conditions of Use whenever you access the Advance Financial Website to ensure that that you agree to the terms of any amended version. If you do not understand or do not agree to any of the terms contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use currently in effect, please exit the Advance Financial Website.

12. Assignment and delegation
Both Advance Financial and its legal successors and agents are entitled to rely on these Terms and Conditions of Use. Advance Financial may assign any rights accruing to it under these Terms and Conditions of Use. Advance Financial may also delegate its duties or assign any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions to third parties.

13. Enforceability of disclaimers
The disclaimers set out above shall be deemed to form part of the content of any websites from which reference to this website was made. If any sections or individual provisions hereof are or become illegal or unenforceable either in whole or in part, such sections or provisions shall not affect the content or validity of the remaining parts of the document.